Thank you for being a great male role model

Created by Julie one month ago

Bryan, I got to know you through my son Leon, dating your lovely daughter Katie. Leon always spoke so warmly of you before we'd even met, and when I got a chance to meet you at one of your legendary BBQ's I could see why he liked you so much. You were a very positive male role model for Leon, someone who he really looked up to and enjoyed talking to. The small things you did - sorting out his laptop, pumping up his tyres, meant so much to Leon - and to me. I felt happy that my son had someone who he could speak to about blokey stuff, and Leon saw how you treated your wife and children with love and respect and wanted to aspire to be like that. And as for your love of Tallulah, she was totally devoted to you, and you to her. It was always a wonderful sight to behold! My greatest sadness is that you don't get to see how Katie and Leon's story ends up but I promise you this. I'll always be there for your daughter, who I love very much, and for Debbie and Sam. Not just today but every day in the future if they need me. Just as you were there for my son Leon, when he needed someone to look up to. Thank you for making him so much part of your family.